So today was long. I worked 11 hours. The problem was I only got 15 minute breaks.
Grrr... Which meant that I didn't have any real time to eat lunch. Plus, my breaks came so early I wasn't hungry. So I ate my
sandwich and some cheese and that was it. I got to do a few Turtle Talk shows. When I had just finished one a turtle came down and said, "About that last show..." I thought I had done something horribly wrong and was so nervous. But he told me I was the best new host they had. I was shocked, he said I am really good at getting to the kids and I'm so fast at it that he can't believe it. He also said that my opening
spiel is really good, it's right on target, my timing is perfect, and he understands everything I say. I said thank you like a million times, I was just not expecting it and it was so nice. Of course it helps that it's one of my favorite turtles to work with.
I did a lot of wheelchairs again, I don't know what it is about me and wheelchairs, but we spend a lot of time together. I finished work and stayed for a little bit after since
Justin's trainee wanted to practice his
spiels in front of people. Then I ran off to Cast Services because I had a lot to get done in an hour. I headed to Company D to get my free pin. Then to costuming to drop off my old costumes. Then I went to the learning center to return my two movies and get two more. While I was there, the lady told me to go check the shelf again and let her know if there's anything interesting on it. There was a card with Lilo (from Lilo and Stitch) and it said to bring it to the desk. Well, it turns out I won the Wishes contest at the learning center. I got a little sign with my name on it, and they're displaying one in the learning center. I also got a $5 gift card to
Aramark, the company that owns our cast cafeterias. So that was pretty cool. But it took so long to get that taken care of that I was rushing through costuming to pick up what I needed.
While I was walking through the aisles a
Moroccan guy came up to me and asked me if I was new here. I thought it was an odd question, but I said yes. Then he asked if we could keep in touch. I realized he was hitting on me, so I said no. Then he wanted to know why. I just said no. Finally he gave up and walked away. It was really awkward. Well I put the costume on and must have grabbed the wrong size because I was swimming in the shorts, so I had to run back and get another pair. And the costuming people aren't fast or
accommodating. So by the time I finished that I was running late. I drank a
slim fast so that I'd have something in me. I just missed the bus, so I decided to hoof it over to the American Adventure. I did it in less than 5 minutes, which is crazy fast. And showed up on time. Of course, nobody else was there. Only 2 other coworkers and no manager.
They talked to us for a little bit and then sent us on break for half an hour. Then we took positions, I ended up at the back of the theatre greeting guests, and stopping strollers. I had the section that was usually two people so I had to chase down a few strollers. I had one that decided to stop just past the ropes and stand in the shade. She didn't want to take the kids out and since it wasn't a fire hazard I thought it was fine. Well the coordinator came over and yelled at me and sent the lady away. It was kinda rude how she handled it. There are just some people who are good with others, and some people who are not. The concerts went by pretty fast, my feet definitely hurt, but it wasn't unbearable. I just kept moving.
When I got out I had a message from Kim inviting me out to Karaoke. I called her back and got directions. It was a little, very smoky bar. It was Kim, Julie, Ryan (
Kims friend), and
Ryans roommate Frankie. We chatted for a while and sang along with people. There were some pretty good singers there. Ryan and
Frankies roommate showed up with her boyfriend for a while. Then
Omarr came with his sister who was in town for the week. I got along really well with his sister and we talked for a while, then
Omarr cut in the conversation for a while. Kim and Ryan did Waterfalls by TLC and it was
hilarious!! Kim is such a riot. I did Redneck Woman, because it's my jam. And that went pretty well. There was apparently some guy who wanted to buy me a drink that Kim told I wasn't interested. Well he went up and performed later. He was a very white guy who decided to sing
Fergalicious. And he knew every word by heart. It was sad. Then he came over after he sang and some lady asked him if he was gay, he said very loudly "I am heterosexual, I am a heterosexual, though you wouldn't have guessed it from that." Then he walked over to me and asked me to "slow dance". That's officially the funniest, most awkward moment I've had. I said no, obviously and
Omarr told him I was his girlfriend to make him stay away.
I stayed until it pretty much closed. I've never been in a bar for last call before. I think I wound up going to bed around 3:30-
ish. So it was a really long day. But so much fun. I got along with everyone, and I laughed a lot. I hope to do it again soon.
Answer to Yesterday's Trivia: How many "mountains" have
imagineers built worldwide?
There are 8 mountains.